Was. Is. Always: South to North. On Route to an International Indigenous Design Charter (Greenland, Sweden, Denmark)
Was. Is. Always: South to North - Greenland, Norway, Denmark 2016
Was. Is. Always - South to North is a project by Deakin University which aims to bring together researchers, students, industry, and other organisations involved in Indigenous design to create an International Indigenous Design Charter. Participants from Australia, Greenland, Sweden and Denmark and other countries will attend a series of workshops to develop protocols for the appropriate use of Indigenous knowledge in design practice.
The workshops will showcase international Indigenous design from Sami and Inuit communities and will include a strong focus on Australian Indigenous design. The outcomes of the workshops will be used to draft an International Indigenous Design Charter that will be launched at the World Design Summit in Montreal, Canada, October 2017.
Was. Is. Always: South to North - Canada 2017